Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/15/2021

Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest for Today

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P651 (07-15-21)


Have you ever had someone tell you that you need to eat certain foods or worship on a certain day of the week? What do you say in response? Does not scripture say to not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink or in regard to a religious holiday or even a Sabbath? Yes. As you read scripture, you will be able to understand that you live under grace today. That Jesus set aside the Old Covenant to establish a New Covenant so that we can rest from our works just as He did from His.

What does that mean? If you are still trying to keep the law, then you are not resting from your works. He has put the law aside so that we can walk in the newness of life. There is no rest under the law. You are constantly being demanded to do what you cannot accomplish in the energy of your own flesh. So the Sabbath is a place of rest. It is not a day of the week. Would you hate to think that the only day of the week you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/16/2021

Jesus is The Mediator of the New Covenant

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P11 (06-16-21)


Faith is Understanding Jesus Forgave You Completely!

This New Covenant we are under today is a covenant of grace. When you think about what is the eternal inheritance that Jesus bought and secured for us, we cannot help but say, “Thank you, Jesus” and “Praise be to God for His marvelous grace.” This grace provided for us a new heart, the heart of God that is full of His love and compassion that we can access and allow to flow out of us. We have this unconditional acceptance, where we are free to fail without any condemnation, and can then boldly go to the throne of grace to instruct us, guide us into truth to correct our harmful behavior, with such tender-loving care. This is all part of this wonderful personal relationship with the living God, who rejoices over us, rejoices when we rejoice, and who delights in us. And to think that God, who created the entire vast universe with His spoken word, has such wonderful thoughts concerning me! He even knows every hair on my head.

Last, we have this wonderful promise of being eternally … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/27/2021

Absent From the Body Present With the Lord

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P637 (05-27-21)


Many believers think the rapture will happen very soon. In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul instructs the believers to encourage one another with these things, that one day we will meet the Lord in the air. The Holy Spirit is deposited in us as a guarantee for the redemption of our bodies. Those who are older, or those born with a crippled body, definitely know what their failing body is like and certainly long for a new one. One day we will be absent from the body and present with the Lord. We will be given a new glorified body that is not like our current, for we are told that flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom of God. And as we think about Jesus’ resurrected body, that could walk through walls, we are told we will have a body like His.

We do not know how God will make us a glorified body but we know He will. Much about the end times is difficult to understand but we can read the scriptures and allow God to encourage our hearts. Jesus even tells us to read Revelation and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/14/2021

Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest Now Rest

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P634 (05-14-21)


To grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is important that we do not rely on what a denominational persuasion says, whether Baptist, Catholic, or Presbyterian, or whatever else it might be. Nor should we rely on what the early church fathers said, what Polycarp, John Wesley or Martin Luther said. Nor do we blindly rely on People to People or whatever common ministry is out there today. If what someone says is in agreement with truth as revealed by the Spirit of God through the word of God, then certainly hold onto such truth, for that is revealed by the Spirit of God, who does not lie.

Ultimately, we need to study the word of God for ourselves, as Paul commended the people of Berea for doing, for they diligently studied the scriptures to see if what he said was so, and they only had the Old Testament scriptures available to them in their day. Now that the gift of prophecy has been given to the prophets as well as the apostles, and the divine revelation from God to men has been written down, by … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/30/2021

The New Covenant of Jesus Christ

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P630 (04-30-21)


Have you allowed the truth God’s word to change your thinking, or are you relying on your feelings? Do you feel that while you are in church, or active in serving others in some capacity, you are full of the Holy Spirit, but when you leave that feeling leaves? Did the Spirit of God ever leave you? No. The Spirit of God is always at work within you, and will never leave you or forsake you. He lives in you, if you are born again, to will and to act according to His good purpose. How well do you know all that God has given you in Christ Jesus? So grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ by reading His word, allowing the Spirit, who is alive living in you, to renew your mind with truth.

Have you been sitting under a pastor who is mixing law and grace? Has your pastor taught you that you have to take the Lord’s Supper in a worthy manner, and be sure to have no unconfessed sins when you eat at the Lord’s table. Is that true? No! Have … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 02/15/2021

Follow Jesus to The Cross and Resurrection

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P4 (02-15-21)


Why is it that we are so slow of heart to believe? I know I was, and at times, I still struggle to trust Christ to provide for my daily needs. But God initiates His love to us. That is when our hearts become softened and He gets our attention. Have you ever asked that question, “Why would God love me?” But He does.

So you have been in the religious world all your life. Then some guy comes along and tells you strange things you have never heard before. He comes right up to you and asks, “Are you saved?” You reply, “What are you talking about?” Then you hang out with these people who identify themselves as Christians. (Now, in today’s world that word has lost value and everyone calls themselves a Christian.) But, you are thinking to yourself, “Who ever calls themselves a Christian?” But you see something in them that draws you. These guys seem genuine and real. They speak often from the scriptures, explaining how this word of God has application to life. You are intrigued.

Now, think about the disciples. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More