Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/19/2021

God Works Everything Out For Our Good

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P45 (05-19-21)


As we are looking at the application of the word of God in our lives, we ask ourselves, “How do we do this?” Do we obey because it is a command of God, and therefore, we must do it? If the law says, do not steal, then should I not steal? The law is holy, righteous and good, but there is a deeper problem in the heart of man. If we try to live the Christian life that way, that would be putting ourselves back under a law that the Jews lived under in an Old Covenant system, and the entire Old Testament is a history of their failure, yet also of God’s faithfulness. Such a system says that you are cursed if you do not continue to do everything written in the law. The law, and what Jesus explains concerning the law, buries us, showing us our unrighteousness that we might see our need of a Saviour and look for Him to save us from ourselves, our condition of death.

So then how can we live the Christian life? The quick and direct answer is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/18/2021

Jesus is Our Thanksgiving

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P44 (05-18-21)


As we ponder over understanding the word of God in regards to interacting with other people, we have this wisdom from God in dealing with anxiety and worry and also dealing with a critical spirit toward others. What is our tendency when others do not think like us? Do we want to just write them off and have nothing further to do with them? Thank God Jesus is not like us. When a woman was caught in adultery, all these men were picking up stones to stone her to death. What did Jesus do? He told them that if any one of them is without sin, he is to be the first person to cast the stone. Jesus, being the only person without sin, what did he do? He told her to go free and to sin no more.

So we need to realize that we are no different than other people. Why are you tearing down another person, discrediting another person, or being critical of him? What is true of another person? The same is true for you. You were a sinner saved by grace. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 06/09/2020

Believe Jesus Took Away All Your Sins

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P23 (06-09-20)


In this world today, of riots and pillaging and murder in the streets, is that something that should shock us, as if that would never happen, in a world of sin and death? God said that in this world you will have trials and tribulations. So what happens when we do not hold onto the truth of what God has said? Do we even realize that there is an enemy called Satan, or have we been deceived into thinking he does not exist? If we think he does not exist, then who do people tend to blame? Do they not tend to blame God for causing or allowing these things to happen? Do we have unrealistic expectations, expectations different than what God told us to expect to happen? So why is this faith in Christ so vital for us to walk in, to believe what God has said and to act upon that belief?

But what else has God promised us. He said that He has overcome the world. And in Him there is peace that surpasses understanding. And, he said that He will cause all … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/15/2020

Jesus is The Gospel of Good News

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P30 (01-15-19)


Paul is appealing to men to come to Christ for life. Are you weary or heavy laden? There is good news for you. God is there to give peace and rest to your soul. It is so vitally important to understand the totality of salvation, the gospel, the good news, that you can be made complete in Christ.

There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. God is love, and love keeps no records of wrongs. There is no more record of sins. Why? God sent His Son into this world to die on a cross. The blood of Jesus’ shed blood was of such eternal value that it took away the sins of the entire world. He reconciled the world unto Himself, not counting our sins against Him. God remembers our sins no more because that one offering of Christ Jesus was sufficient to take away the consequence of sin, which is death, for the entire world.

Now, the death of Christ, as great as that is, to take away the consequence of sin, which is death, how much greater is His resurrection from the dead? See, our greater … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Friday 11/29/2019

Give Thanks to Jesus

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 5 (11-29-19)


As the Thanksgiving season is here, consider how much we have been freely given. If you are in Christ, you are free. You are free from the law. You are no longer under the law of sin and death, the law with it’s demands that you could never keep. Sin was your master and owner. In Christ, you are no longer a prisoner of the law. You were once locked up until faith should be revealed. Has faith been revealed to you? Can you now call God your Father because you have become a child of God, a new creation in Christ?

Even before the law was given, sin was in the world. All of us were born dead spiritually. The law was powerless to save you nor could it. We were already weak in our natural selves, being dead already. We keep doing what we know we ought not do and we do not do what we know we should. And when we fail, there is guilt under the law. Then why was the law given? The law was added so that man may see his condition of spiritual death and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More