Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/14/2021

Jesus Makes us Ministers of the New

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P23 (07-14-21)


It is so important to understand what God Himself says is the gospel that saves. In 1 Corinthians 15, we read that it is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Nothing else. There is no baptism, church attendance, speaking in tongues, going to a confessional booth, seven sacraments, quoting 1 John 1:9 to keep yourself in fellowship, saved. Those latter things are things taught by the traditions of men. The word of God does not say such things. Your confidence in the gospel must be in what God Himself says it is, and that you have allowed the Holy spirit to reveal that truth to you. Your confidence must not be in the denominational persuasions of men, or what any pastor, priest or man says, for they could be teaching error.

So what did Jesus accomplish by his death on a cross? What did Jesus say after he gave up his spirit, after shedding his blood on a cross? It is finished. What is finished? Did not the author of Hebrews tell us that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin? Yes, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/07/2021

Faith That Pleases God - Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P20 (07-07-21)


Have you understood what faith is? Faith must have an object. It is more than an intellectual assent to facts or some sort of faith in some mystery, that nobody knows what that mystery is. I can know that Abraham Lincoln died in Ford’s theater and by believing that, that does not have any impact on my life. I can even go to church, thinking that if I go to church then somehow God will accept me, or my good deeds will outweigh my bad. I can think that I can get all my sins confessed that built up during the week off my chest. I could be doing that whether I was going to a Catholic mass or even sitting in my own bedroom quoting 1 John 1:9, but all the while wondering if I missed confessing some sin. I could even think that I came to Jesus to get all my sins forgiven, and then still doing those confessing of sins as well. So it could be I did not have a proper understanding of the complete gospel in Christ Jesus. All of that is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 07/06/2021

Jesus Wants Your Faith to be in Him

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P19 (07-06-21)


Faith is one of those words used or heard but do we know what it means? Hebrews 11 defines faith as confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This “hope for” is not a “hope so”, but a firm trust in what God has guaranteed us in His Son. We put our trust in what God accomplished for us in Christ Jesus, in what his death, burial and resurrection accomplished for us.

But not everyone has heard or understood what Jesus accomplished for us. You can know that Jesus is God, and that he lived, died and did certain marvelous things, but you have not put your faith in what He has given you, which is eternal life. I once was asked, “Would you like to be saved?”. I had never heard such a strange question before. “Saved from what?” I knew about Jesus dying on a cross. You see a picture of that in the church I grew up in all the time. And I knew something about Jesus rising from the dead. You at least hear about that … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/30/2021

Jesus Forgave You Completely of All Sins

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P17 (06-30-21)


The word “brainwashing” is used a lot more today. In regard to the vaccination propaganda, with bribes for free doughnuts, cruises or college tuition, and peer pressure to comply and get the shot, as media continually broadcasts that it is safe and effective. Yet, why would well-renowned doctors, experts in virology, front line doctors, be willing to lose their license and their reputation by telling the truth?

So too with the disciples of Jesus Christ. Why would they lie about the resurrection of Jesus Christ? They saw Him on that waters edge to cast their net to the other side, and to become fishers of men. Why would they be willing to lose everything to tell about Jesus? Why would they be willing to be persecuted and face a martyr’s death for something they thought was a lie? That would not make sense. They believed Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Jesus.

Sadly, the Christian world today has been stuck in faulty thinking. It is so much easier to brainwash someone to believe a lie … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/10/2021

Jesus Forgave You on The Cross

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P641 (06-10-21)


A very common question asked is, “What about 1 John 1:9?” People ask this because they are often taught that this passage is written to believers, telling believers to confess their sins to God when they sin. What they mean by that is that when you sin, to stay in fellowship with God, you keep short accounts of sins with God by asking God to forgive you when you sin. But is that true? Have you read all of 1 John to discern its context? And if that is true, what people teach about 1 John 1:9, then Jesus did not take away all our sins, and, if that is so, then He would have to come back again to shed His blood again, every time we sinned, because according to Hebrews 9:22 that is what He would have to do for sins to be forgiven? And that would also make Jesus out to be a liar who cried out at the cross, “It is finished” (John 19:30), which in Greek, is the word, Tetelestai, meaning “Paid in full”, which is really saying that God took away the sins of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 06/04/2021

Faith Says Thank You to God Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P640 (06-04-21)


People have grown up under, or have heard, all kinds of teachings of men, whether Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian or Pentecostal or any number of denominations out there. Now on a matter of such eternal importance as salvation, sadly the message is not proclaimed clearly or even accurately. You may have heard all kinds of phrases like, “Once saved, always saved”, “Sacraments are necessary for salvation”, that salvation is a process that you have to go through, “You have to be baptized in order to be saved.” or that “Salvation is getting your sins forgiven.” It is so sad that the gospel of salvation is not proclaimed clearly and accurately as it ought to be! Not only that, even when it is proclaimed on one Sunday it is undermined by double-talk when a preacher teaches 1 John 1:9 out of context and uses it to tell people to ask God to forgive them when they sin so as to keep short accounts with God and to keep in fellowship with God. So in reality, the message proclaimed often by a Protestant denomination is not any different than a Catholic saying you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More