Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/11/2021

Faith Says Thank You For Forgiveness

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P607 (02-11-21)


We can be a believer and fall into all kinds of destructive lifestyle choices and become trapped in a sin. Why is that? It is because the renewing of the mind has not occurred or we stopped trusting God. For example, if you think you are still a sinner, then what would you naturally do? Sin. You do what you think you are. But God has called you out of darkness and into the kingdom of Light. You are never in darkness again. Or, you listened to the voice of the world, relied on your own understanding, followed your feelings rather than what you know to be true. There are all kinds of ways we fall short. How often do we worry? And worry is a sin. We are all working out our salvation in fear and trembling. We are saved but God is at work in us, renewing our mind, so we can walk in the new way of the Spirit.

The key to this overcoming of sinful habits and behaviors is to know that you are a child of God, a new creation, a new identity in Christ … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 12/11/2020

Jesus Wants Your Faith to be in Him

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P593 (12-11-20)


We all struggle in growing in Christ, learning how to overcome worry and all kinds of sin, and how to make wise decisions in those difficult things of life. Much of our struggle is because we are leaning on our understanding, trying to work things out in the energy of our flesh, or are focusing, not on Christ, but our circumstances and surroundings, and letting the voice of the world crowd out truth. Our mind has drifted from focusing on Christ to the thinking and pattern of the world.

It also takes time to grow. When you first come to Christ, it seems hard to navigate through the word of God and through the things you hear. You may not have the discernment yet to know what is right and what is wrong or what is the better choice. At times, you just do not know the truth, or lack the wisdom from God to know how to proceed. Yes, it is good to hear from mature believers in the Lord, to help you out. But ultimately, any human being can misguide you, because they may not know the truth … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 12/04/2020

Jesus Gives Resurrection Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P591 (12-04-20)


So you want to share truth with your family and friends. You sense in your spirit, and maybe you are even convinced from your reading of God’s word, that surely we are in the last days. But I have loved ones, and I have Jewish friends, and Catholic and Protestant friends! How do I share the truth of the gospel to them?

Yes, I have friends in all kinds of situations. Some seem quite moral, and others legalistic. Some are struggling in their marriage, or addicted to drugs. They all can be nice people, too, of all kinds of religious backgrounds or lack thereof. They all seem like really nice people, at least when I interact with them. And, is there really one sin that is more serious than others? What about the nasty nine or the terrible twelve sins? I mean practically people go to jail or get death penalty, but what is God’s perspective on all this? None of us are perfect. What is God’s expectation of us? What does God want from us? Can anyone really approach God, who is absolutely sinless perfection?

In essence, these are … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 12/20/2019

Believe Jesus is God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P500 (12-20-19)


It cannot be emphasized enough to study the bible on your own, allowing the Holy Spirit to teach you. That is the only way you can be certain that you are hearing truth. It is common among the world today for people to rely on what their favorite teacher says as true, whether it be Bob George, John MacArthur, Calvin or Luther, or whoever you happen to esteem. But, how do you know if they are teaching you correctly? They might be but they might not be. How would you know?

Recognize also that cults, such as the Catholics and the Mormons today, the legalists, like the Jews the apostle Paul confronted in Galatia, and the gnostics confronted by the apostle John, will twist scripture in teaching men. So many have been led astray by such teaching. But, if you, who have the Spirit in you, and have grown in discernment, be on guard and recognize error when you hear it. Bear in mind that there are numerous erroneous teaching among various denominations today, the teaching of tithe, a second filling or baptism of the Spirit, and Calvinism, for example, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/25/2019

The Holy Spirit

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 1 (11-25-19)


So often people trust the words of their pastor or some person. He could be Calvin or MacArthur or your baptist preacher or your Presbyterian preacher, or your Catholic priest, and you would just trust what they tell you as true. After all, he went to seminary, you think. Or he got trained under 2000 years of church history just like the Jews did, for they had Moses as their teacher. But have you ever stopped to think if what they are saying is true? If you are born again, who is living in you? What did he promised you? That he would guide you into all truth. How do you suppose he is going to do that? If you are born again, did you know that you have the mind of Christ, the ability to discern the things of God and make judgments about all things?

Now, we have the example in scripture where Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. Satan quoted scripture, but he did it to deceive. Jesus also responded with scripture. He would say, but scripture also says. Now, how important is the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/14/2019

Jesus Fulfilled The Law In Perfect Love

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P491 (11-14-19)


Several people called to ask common questions. Many things are not properly understood because people are not reading the word for themselves, not letting the Holy Spirit teach them, or would rather believe what some denominational persuasion has them convinced is true. Such is the case of many of the callers who call.

These callers called because they wanted to know truth and Bob graciously answered their questions from what the Holy Spirit has revealed to him. Is tithing for today? What about Malachi? Am I robbing God? What is the way of giving under the New Covenant? Is God punishing me because I married out of wedlock, and now I am pregnant and had a miscarriage? Should I always turn the other cheek? Should I keep giving to someone who continuously steals from me? What is the line drawn on forgiving somebody? What really is forgiving someone? Am I enabling someone when I keep giving and giving to a person who never changes his stupid or sinful behavior? What happened in the garden of Eden? What happened to all mankind? Can man get that life back again?

These and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More