Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P7 (08-23-21)
Love motivated God to Provide All We Need for Life and Godliness
I believe everyone knows they have a need for forgiveness. But what the world is confused or ignorant about is how we can have forgiveness. There is this idea the world has of on-going forgiveness, that when I sin then I need to do something to get that sin removed, whether it would be going to a confessional booth, confessing your sins to a priest, or doing your 1 John 1:9 of going direct to God to get your sins erased, as a means to get cleansed of your sin, or in the case of an Israelite, in the times of the Old Testament, of going back to the day of atonement, sacrificing a bull and a goat. The problem with all of these systems, they are man-made ideas of how man can do something to have right standing before God. Although the animal sacrifice was required by God under an Old Covenant system, it could cover sin but it could never take sins away and only make a man conscious of sin. Man … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message