Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/04/2022

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P16 (01-04-22)

Perfect Love Drives Out All Fear

Do you really love God? People are living in fear today, and those that are living in fear are not really loving God. People think they love God, yet they don’t know the Love of God. They don’t know that God loves them. They are still trying to perform for God so in turn God would do something for them.

When we understand God’s love for us, it changes our world completely. We may understand God’s love for us when we first come to Him for salvation (eternal life), but then we lose sight of it for our daily living. We get on our own performance track, thinking that we’ve got to do something in order for God to do something ongoing with us. We need to learn that is NOT how God deals with us at all. God is love, and His Love lives in us. This is key to our understanding and walking in the love of God.

1 John 4:16-21
16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love.

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New Years P5 Radio Broadcast Friday 12/31/2021

The Star Shines on The King

Classic Christianity – New Years P5 (12-31-21)

A Star Shines on King Jesus!

When you think of all the things spoken by the prophets, that were fulfilled in Christ, and how sovereign God is, that everything He has said has come to pass, who, in their right mind, would not come to choose Life? The star stood over the place where Jesus lay, just as it was spoken through the prophet. Jesus shall be called Emmanuel, and we see the transfiguration, where a voice from heaven says, “Listen to him. This is My Beloved Son”. God spoke to Joseph and Mary through dreams, and what had been spoken through the prophets was fulfilled, such as Jesus would be called a Nazarene. Numerous miracles were performed through Jesus, as the prophets of old said he would do when he came. John the Baptist was visited in prison, and Jesus told his disciples to report these things to him while he was in prison. Jesus himself, at various times said that he would die, but on the third day, be raised again from the dead. Then, after Jesus’ resurrection, he appeared to over 500 people, who were still alive. And during that … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/09/2021

How to Live by Faith

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P693 (12-09-21)

How to Live by Faith

We often hear stories that when a person comes to Christ Jesus, and becomes a believer, that everything will be peaches and cream in their life. There are people that will teach you all kinds of lies in regards to worldly wealth or think and grow rich, as though Jesus is the name it and claim it, the go to God for everything in this life to be happy, wealthy and wise, and everyone will just love you for being a Christian. However, if a person is a witness for Christ Jesus, they may face persecution from the world. But fear not, for Jesus who is alive living in you, is greater than he that is in the world.

The first caller, Bob called from Denver Colorado. He became a Christian and lost all of his secular friends. He also lost a job, due to timing issues. He was feeling a bit down and wanted to be pointed in the right direction with some scripture verses.

Bob George shares some key verses of scripture and points to Truth.

John 16:33
33 “I have told you these

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Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 10/22/2021

Study of Classic Christianity and Growing in Grace

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P682 (10-22-21)

Let Truth set you Free and Learn to Walk in Grace

As a new believer, you will tend to have more of a struggle in overcoming sinful habits, and that is not unusual, as you are just now on the starting line of having your mind renewed. Even as you mature in Christ, you will continue in that process of having your mind renewed until the day we meet the Lord. We will all continue to battle the flesh, and God knows our weaknesses and tendencies. We are all reminded to guard our life and doctrine closely and take heed that we do not fall, and to be gentle and humble toward others, as we ourselves could easily get caught up in any sin ourselves. Along with allowing God to change us, our thinking and attitudes of heart, to let your actions be in accordance with who you are as a child of God, then your emotions will follow. You will no longer be miserable but experience the fruit of the Spirit God wants produce in you and through you. Learn to trust the mercy and grace of God. So, for … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/30/2021

In Christ Jesus We are Saints

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P675 (09-30-21)

Growing in Grace: Overcoming Habits, Replacing False Dependencies, Love Conquers Fear, Renewing the Mind, Walking in Truth, and Realizing We Are Not Under the Law but Under Grace

When we are born again, we have the Holy Spirit living in us, but we also have sin-indwelling flesh. So there is this battle between the flesh and the spirit (Galatians 5:16-18). But as we learn to walk in the Spirit, we do not carry out the deeds of the flesh. We have in us everything we need for life and godliness so we can participate in the divine nature (2 Peter 1:3-4). One hindrance we have in spiritual growth is the error and lies we have believed. Error is replaced with truth as we meditate on God’s word, relying on the Lord to renew our minds (Romans 12:1-2). His word is truth (John 17:17), and Jesus, who is the living Word (John 1:1,14), tells us that the truth shall set you free (John 8:32).

We have heard pastors from the pulpit say things indicating that do not know who they are in Christ. They say from the pulpit, “I am just a … Listen to Broadcast & Read More