Call-In Classic Christianity Radio β Bob George P921 (04-04-24)
Thank Jesus For What He Did at the Cross!
~ We ought to thank Jesus for the forgiveness he provided at the cross for us. If we are still asking for forgiveness to God, then we are not resting in His forgiveness. We in essence are saying, I don’t believe my sins were forgiven at the cross. Some are doing this because they don’t know any better. Others are doing it out of a prideful heart. They think their forgiveness is higher than God’s forgiveness. Jesus said it is finished. Everything was taken care of at the cross. There is nothing more for anyone to do. When a person realizes the TRUTH they say Thank you to God. Thanking him is our true confession of faith. Thanking him is the same meaning as Confess in the Greek word for Confess used in the Bible. Asking for forgiveness is the complete opposite of faith. Faith always says thank you.
~ When he had received the drink, Jesus said, βIt is finished.β With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30
~ “Yeah, no, it’s a confession that … Listen to Broadcast & Read More