Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/11/2021

Repentance is a Change of Mind

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P615 (03-11-21)


Sometimes we get bogged down in our daily lives, being bombarded with legalism or teaching that just weighs us down. The day to day mundane things we do just seems to weigh us down at times. But to know that the time we ourselves get alone with the Lord, letting Him teach us the meaning of the word of God, and see the work God is doing in us. Then, as we simply share truth that has been revealed to us, that truth not only changes our own lives, but it overflows into the lives of others. That makes living so worthwhile.

Listen as Bob George shares with a young seminary student getting bogged down in his studies in theology that seems to distract him from being taught by the Holy Spirit. At times even, incorrect teaching is being told him, and he also feels this push towards legalism. Bob shares truth with him to help him to keep focused on being taught of the Holy Spirit. He reminds him of some basic foundational truths, on what salvation is, and clarification on the meaning of 1 John 1:9, and refers … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/05/2021

Jesus Has Taken Away Your Sins Once For All

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P614 (03-05-21)


What is the purpose of the book of Hebrews? Have you ever heard a sermon on it? It is so valuable to understand the New Covenant we are living under today. Oftentimes the only passage people have heard about from Hebrews are Hebrews 6:4, and without understanding the entire context of what the author of Hebrews is writing about, people get all fearful that they are deliberately sinning, meaning they have committed one of the nasty nine or one of the dirty dozen, that they are going to be cast into a raging fire. So what do people do? They pull out their 1 John 1:9 and ask God to forgive them of their sins.

First of all, one must understand the totality of the cross. When the Jew is going back to the day of atonement, killing a bull or a goat, to get his sins forgiven, or the Catholic is going to the confessional booth to get his sins forgiven, or the Protestant is going direct to God to get his sins forgiven, quoting 1 John 1:9 out of context, what are they doing? They are sinning against … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/04/2021

Change Your Mind - Repent

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P605 (02-04-21)


All of us struggle with all kinds of things in this fallen flesh of ours. It is good to know the mercy and grace of God. No matter what you are going through, there is hope in God. What a blessing it is when you have someone to talk to, who has been through what you are going through, and has learned to overcome the flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit, having had his mind renewed with truth.

Whether you are struggling with depression or in the process of going through a divorce, there is practical wisdom in Christ to deal with these struggles. The apostle Paul addressed some issues in regard to divorce in terms of the grace of God, under the New Covenant that we live under now. Yes, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. So often believers have not come to understand that they do not live under the law any more. That changes the whole dynamic of how you live and understand those scriptures like the sermon on the mount, and those passages in the epistles of the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/29/2021

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P603 (01-29-21)


People of all walks of life have much in common. We are human, born dead spiritually and in need of new life. And when we come to new life in Christ Jesus, we need to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. We at first feed on just the milk of the word until such a time we are ready for solid food. We learn about the unconditional love of God, that we are not under law, but under grace, that we live under a New Covenant now. We learn the foundational truth of the totality of the cross, our new identity as a child of God, of being made complete in Christ, that we are not under law but under grace, that we live under a New Covenant not an Old Covenant. We learn what walking under grace means. We learn what it means to have our minds renewed.

So listen as Bob George explains these foundational truths, about what baptism is, spiritual baptism that saves, not that of a physical baptism, that only removes dirt from the body. He helps believers stay away from … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/28/2021

Baptism and the Lords Supper

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P602 (01-28-21)


There are things that are taught in religion or major denominations that are just not in accordance with what is true. We believe it because it was taught to us, frequently enough that we do not even think to ponder over whether it is really true or not. A very good example of this is the false practice of confessing your sins before taking the Lord’s supper so as to not be taking the Lord’s supper in an unworthy manner. Another example is this teaching that there is an age of accountability for salvation, that if you are under a certain age then you are not accountable to God for sin. That kind of question is in the same category as asking the question, “What about the heathen that has never heard?” And another question that often comes up is in regard to this supposed movie projection in heaven that presumably everyone’s sins will be projected so that all people and even angels will see. That simply is not true. There is no basis for that from the clear understanding of the gospel, with passages that clearly explain that He … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/07/2021

Salvation is Eternal Life in Him

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P596 (01-07-21)


So many people call in and ask questions about salvation. They are often confused by what they hear in their particular denomination or various preachers on television. Again, it is so important to rely on the holy spirit to reveal truth to you through the scriptures He has given to us through the prophets and apostles, who were eyewitnesses, when Jesus was alive walking on this earth. Ultimately, that is where truth has to come, from the Spirit of God in Jesus, who Himself is God in the flesh.

So often we hear from people that you can lose your salvation or that you have to do something to keep yourself right with God, or you have to be obedient to the law so as to keep in God’s grace or to do some religious practice to get more grace. All of that is simply not true. If anyone says you can lose your salvation then they do not know what salvation is. If anyone says that salvation depends on what you do then he does not understand salvation. If you are in Christ, you cannot get any more than … Listen to Broadcast & Read More