Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/26/2021

We Were Reconciled to God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P612 (02-26-21)


Many callers, as they are growing in Christ, as we all are, have questions. If you have been in Christ for some time now, there are certain questions that are commonly asked, which if you do not understand the context or the difference between law and grace or the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, some passages might be confusing to you.

This is certainly true of those who grew up under some kind of religious teaching where foundational truths were not taught. Oftentimes people are taught to memorize certain passages of scripture as a child, such as through an AWANA program or some other church program for youth. The problem with scripture memory is if the passages before and after a memory verse are not read, or not understood in its context, false teaching occurs. So, in many cases, a renewing of the mind has to occur so people can grab a hold of truth.

One of the questions asked in relation to the Lord’s prayer is this. Will God forgive us if we do not forgive someone who sins against us? People also often recite … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 02/15/2021

Follow Jesus to The Cross and Resurrection

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P4 (02-15-21)


Why is it that we are so slow of heart to believe? I know I was, and at times, I still struggle to trust Christ to provide for my daily needs. But God initiates His love to us. That is when our hearts become softened and He gets our attention. Have you ever asked that question, “Why would God love me?” But He does.

So you have been in the religious world all your life. Then some guy comes along and tells you strange things you have never heard before. He comes right up to you and asks, “Are you saved?” You reply, “What are you talking about?” Then you hang out with these people who identify themselves as Christians. (Now, in today’s world that word has lost value and everyone calls themselves a Christian.) But, you are thinking to yourself, “Who ever calls themselves a Christian?” But you see something in them that draws you. These guys seem genuine and real. They speak often from the scriptures, explaining how this word of God has application to life. You are intrigued.

Now, think about the disciples. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/02/2021

Jesus Loved Us First

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P44 (02-02-21)


What impact does the empty tomb have on your life? Well, let us ponder over how it impacted the lives of the apostles, who were eyewitnesses, who walked and talked with Jesus and who saw the resurrected Jesus. When you think that all but one of the apostles died a martyr’s death, and all faced intense persecution, would it make sense to believe they would be willing to go through the things they did for a lie? So as you read the scriptures, or listen as Bob George shares from these scriptures, what logical conclusion would you come to?

Consider also the contrast before the day of Pentecost and after Pentecost into the behavior of the disciples. First, what were they like before Pentecost? Here were all the disciples, immediately after the death of Christ, cowering behind closed doors, all in fear of the religious leaders. Here was Peter who was afraid of a servant girl, and denying he even knew Christ, and he did this three times just as Jesus said he would do. Then you have Thomas who said, after hearing the report from the women … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/07/2020

Jesus Asks Who Do You Say I AM

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P3 (10-07-20)


1 Corinthians 3:11
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Everyone starts out with basic questions: Why am I here? Why do I feel empty inside? Is there meaning and purpose to life? Did you know Jesus offers a practical solution to the most basic need of all people? Jesus came as a solution to the problem of mankind.

This course is about building a solid foundation in Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus? Who did he claim to be? What did he accomplish for you and me? What is your understanding of salvation? Many other questions could be asked, but when you start with the foundation in Christ Jesus, so many questions commonly asked by people of all backgrounds, generation after generation, can be readily answered.

Listen as Bob George answers questions such as, “Can I lose my salvation?”, “Am I of the elect?”, “How do I know I am saved?”, and other questions often still brought up in today’s world. When you understand that Christ Jesus came not to give temporal life but eternal life, then once … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/10/2020

Jesus is Love and His Love in us

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P53 (03-10-20)


Someone says to you they have never sinned. What would you tell him? Take him to 1 Corinthians 13, and tell him to replace every occurrence of “love” with his name, and ask him how well he is doing in the love department. If he is married, you can also ask him if he would put his wife on the line. You want to ask his wife what she thinks of her husband.

The truth of the matter is that all of us have fallen short, all of us have sinned, and we cannot live perfectly in this flesh of ours. If we were to die, and then we were to stand before God in our own righteousness, then how righteous I am next to Bob is not the issue. How righteous am I next to Jesus is the question. We are made to be dependent on Jesus, letting Him to live His life in and through us. This is called walking by the Spirit so you will not carry out the desires of the flesh.

That is why it says to rejoice in your weakness. Until you see you are … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/06/2020

Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest Today

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P509 (02-06-20)


Often times people have called into the Classic Christianity radio program with questions to help them know how to apply teaching or to get clarification on teaching they have heard that seems to conflict with what the Lord is beginning to teach them. Others simply call to thank Bob for the teaching of truth that has helped them to walk free of legalistic teaching, and want to encourage Bob to continue teaching truth.

More often than not, Bob will explain more thoroughly about the New Covenant we are under. Often times people will read something out of the gospels, such as Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, or the book of Acts, and struggle understanding what it means. The starting point to understand truth is to first of all be born again, having the Spirit of God living in you. Then as you read God’s word, you allow the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you.

The common mistakes people make are to read one scripture verse, taken out of its context, and try to explain or make up what it means. That is called leaning on your own understanding, and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More