Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/20/2021

Unbelief is the Worlds Sin

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P635 (05-20-21)


There are many common questions relative new believers ask concerning the scripture. They are basic questions that can easily be answered from the scriptures but they are also questions they have in light of the teaching they have been so accustomed to hear on radio, television or from a denomination they grew up under or have been visiting or attending. As they read the scriptures for themselves, they are beginning to recognize that something is just not right, for what they had been taught all their lives just does not agree with what is revealed in scripture. So in either case, they call for clarification of what they have heard, and want Bob George’s thoughts on the subject.

So listen as Bob George answers various questions by callers on topics such as what did Jesus mean when he said my yoke is easy and my burden is light, and what does it mean to be unequally yoked with unbelievers or have I committed the unpardonable sin, does the Lord’s prayer apply today and what is the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, and what is this I … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/18/2021

Jesus is Our Thanksgiving

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P44 (05-18-21)


As we ponder over understanding the word of God in regards to interacting with other people, we have this wisdom from God in dealing with anxiety and worry and also dealing with a critical spirit toward others. What is our tendency when others do not think like us? Do we want to just write them off and have nothing further to do with them? Thank God Jesus is not like us. When a woman was caught in adultery, all these men were picking up stones to stone her to death. What did Jesus do? He told them that if any one of them is without sin, he is to be the first person to cast the stone. Jesus, being the only person without sin, what did he do? He told her to go free and to sin no more.

So we need to realize that we are no different than other people. Why are you tearing down another person, discrediting another person, or being critical of him? What is true of another person? The same is true for you. You were a sinner saved by grace. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/21/2021

Jesus Will Direct Your Path

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P33 (04-21-21)


What is the effect of the word of God on men? When you read the word of God, how is it different from reading another book, one that is written by men? The word of God is God’s word to men to change lives, to set men free. You cannot separate the word of God from the person of God, who is the way, the truth and the life.

The only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ. There is truth that sets men free from bondage to sin and error and lies. That truth is the person of God in Jesus Christ, and has been written down for us, that we may know Him, who is eternal life. In knowing Him, we come to know His thoughts and attitudes of heart. This is a dynamic relationship with the living God, and we get to know Him, who is true, through His word that He has given to us, as we rely on Him to teach us all that He has freely given us, as a born again child of God.

When man is overcome … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/15/2021

Jesus is God and True to His Promises

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P625 (04-15-21)


Sometimes we can get off focus on what is really important in life, what God has called us to do in regard to being fishers of men, to reach out with love and truth for the souls of men. We can spend endless hours trying to figure out end time prophecies, and as interesting as that might be, the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Yes, we should read Revelation and not avoid it, but everything in proper perspective. God’s word certainly tells us that anyone who reads the words of the prophecy and takes it to heart what is written in it is blessed. So He certainly wants us to read it with that in mind. God wants us prepared but not scared.

Then there is our neighbor or relative who does not know Christ. If you got a call from a friend, who at one time in his life rejected God, or even mocked the things of God, but all of a sudden there is a change in attitude in him. He is being drawn by the Spirit of God, expressing to you an … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 03/15/2021

Faith in Jesus is What Counts

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P16 (03-15-21)


As you read through chapter eleven in the book of Hebrews, you will read about several Old Testament people and events that happened during their lifetime. We read about these men of faith, some that conquered kingdoms and others that were conquered for the cause of Christ, some were strong and did great exploits whereas others were sawed in two or wandered around in holes in the ground. But all of them were commended for their faith.

So you ask yourself, why would the writer of Hebrews think it important to write about these people and events? Certainly he believed they were real people and real events. Then you also have the apostles Peter and Paul also writing and referencing people and events, and sometimes the same people and the same events. Did they think they were real people and real events? What about their enemies? Did they think they were real people and real events? As you ponder over these things, you must conclude they were real people and real, and not fairy tales.

There were real events recorded in the Old Testament and substantiated … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/09/2021

God is Creator We are Responders

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P14 (03-09-21)


When we are talking about the validity of Old Testament events, which certainly adds to the validity of the Old Testament itself, it all gets back again to one simple question Jesus asked, “Who do you say that I am?” Because if Jesus is who He is, God, and He said there is a Sodom and a Gomorrah then there was a Sodom and a Gomorrah

As you read the account of Sodom and Gomorrah, something striking you will notice. Fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. That is why archaeologists have never found those two cities that were destroyed by God. That adds to the validity of the scriptures. Archaeologists have found almost everything else recorded in the scriptures but they never found Sodom and Gomorrah.

But as you read these different accounts, do not just simply believe that this event happened or not, for that has no relevance to how you live your life. But take note of the analogy Jesus used in referring to these events in regard to His judgment on mankind. Jesus is pointing to a future … Listen to Broadcast & Read More