Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/26/2021

We Were Reconciled to God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P612 (02-26-21)


Many callers, as they are growing in Christ, as we all are, have questions. If you have been in Christ for some time now, there are certain questions that are commonly asked, which if you do not understand the context or the difference between law and grace or the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, some passages might be confusing to you.

This is certainly true of those who grew up under some kind of religious teaching where foundational truths were not taught. Oftentimes people are taught to memorize certain passages of scripture as a child, such as through an AWANA program or some other church program for youth. The problem with scripture memory is if the passages before and after a memory verse are not read, or not understood in its context, false teaching occurs. So, in many cases, a renewing of the mind has to occur so people can grab a hold of truth.

One of the questions asked in relation to the Lord’s prayer is this. Will God forgive us if we do not forgive someone who sins against us? People also often recite … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/25/2021

Vine and Branches

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P611 (02-25-21)


In this day and age, with this so-called pandemic that disrupted our lives, many people are beginning to wonder what church is? Is it really a building you go to? And when you go to that building, listening to a pastor preach, what were you being taught? Do you feel guilt-ridden, that you do not measure up to some standard? Are you told that whenever you sin, you are out of fellowship with God? Listen as callers ask these kinds of questions, and are looking for answers to what it means to be a Christian. How is a Christian supposed to live? Is it supposed to be burdensome or are you supposed to experience love, peace and joy?

First of all, the assumption is you are born again, having the Spirit of God placed in you and made a part of the body of Christ, of whom Jesus Christ is the head. That is the church, you, a new creation, with the Spirit of God living in you, being led internally by the Spirit, who reveals truth to you. And you grow by allowing Him to teach you, to correct … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/19/2021

Jesus Fulfilled The Law And The Prophets

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P610 (02-19-21)


There are things that are taught in religion or major denominations that are just not in accordance with what is true. We believe it because it was taught to us, frequently enough that we do not even think to ponder over whether it is really true or not. A Baptist pastor teaches what he has been taught from a Baptist seminary. So too, a Presbyterian minister teaches what he has been taught from a Presbyterian seminary. And so too with the Methodists and the Catholics. They are taught to depend on what man tells them rather than depending on the Holy Spirit to reveal to them the meaning of the word of God.

Sadly, none of these denominations agree, and they continue to repeat error, generation after generation. So, the church is in sad shape, and often those who know the truth are compelled to leave because they would be silenced or isolated, called out as being divisive, because what people hear, the truth, is contrary to what they have been taught by men, and they will not or are unable to accept what you say, expounding on the scriptures, … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 02/15/2021

Follow Jesus to The Cross and Resurrection

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P4 (02-15-21)


Why is it that we are so slow of heart to believe? I know I was, and at times, I still struggle to trust Christ to provide for my daily needs. But God initiates His love to us. That is when our hearts become softened and He gets our attention. Have you ever asked that question, “Why would God love me?” But He does.

So you have been in the religious world all your life. Then some guy comes along and tells you strange things you have never heard before. He comes right up to you and asks, “Are you saved?” You reply, “What are you talking about?” Then you hang out with these people who identify themselves as Christians. (Now, in today’s world that word has lost value and everyone calls themselves a Christian.) But, you are thinking to yourself, “Who ever calls themselves a Christian?” But you see something in them that draws you. These guys seem genuine and real. They speak often from the scriptures, explaining how this word of God has application to life. You are intrigued.

Now, think about the disciples. … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/09/2021

Truth Sets You Free

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P2 (02-09-21)


Do you have a plumbline to gauge whether something is true? The word of God is the plumbline for truth, to gauge our lives so that we are not ensnared and trapped in error in our thinking but can submit to God and resist the lie and live in truth. The battle in the world today, as in Jesus day, and since the beginning of time, has been the battle for the mind. That is where temptation starts.

Temptation is getting you to doubt what God has said, to doubt that God has the best in mind for you, and to believe that someone other than God has the answers to life, that someone else can give you what you need rather than God, or that you can meet your own needs and live independently of God, or even that He is not God. Satan has so deceived mankind that we have become slaves to the god of this world, who is Satan, where we experience so much heartache and pain.

Jesus came as the living word, living like a man, even though He is God, … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/04/2021

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P605 (02-04-21)


All of us struggle with all kinds of things in this fallen flesh of ours. It is good to know the mercy and grace of God. No matter what you are going through, there is hope in God. What a blessing it is when you have someone to talk to, who has been through what you are going through, and has learned to overcome the flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit, having had his mind renewed with truth.

Whether you are struggling with depression or in the process of going through a divorce, there is practical wisdom in Christ to deal with these struggles. The apostle Paul addressed some issues in regard to divorce in terms of the grace of God, under the New Covenant that we live under now. Yes, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. So often believers have not come to understand that they do not live under the law any more. That changes the whole dynamic of how you live and understand those scriptures like the sermon on the mount, and those passages in the epistles of the … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message