New Years P5 Radio Broadcast Friday 01/03/2025

Jesus Sets You Apart as The Temple of God

Classic Christianity – New Years P5 (01-03-25)

Worship Jesus Only, NOT Man

~ The wise men, the Magi, bowed down and worshiped Jesus. The Magi knew who Jesus was. They knew the scriptures. They knew, the little boy Jesus that they were in front of was God in flesh, for they bowed down in total submission and worshiped him. And the Magi further exercised more faith when being warned in a dream NOT to go back to Herod, they instead went to their homeland through another route. They obey God, not Man.

Today, our worship is when we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, because Jesus lives in the temple of God, the body of the child of God, and to offer our bodies is our true and proper worship.

But many today are not offering their bodies as a living sacrifice. And many times, the reason is they themselves are not saved, and do not have the Holy Spirit living in them. They have believed in the teaching of man rather than the teaching of God. They don’t believe their sins were forgiven at the cross. They instead believe in a different Jesus. … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/21/2024

Rest in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P70 (02-21-24)

Jesus Wants to Give You Rest for Your Soul

~ We sometimes need to be reminded, that Jesus came to give us rest for our souls. Many folks have rebelled against religion, they have rebelled against the hypocrisy involved, they have rebelled against the people that act all holier-than-thou. And quite frankly, we are actually to rebel against those things. Because God doesn’t want us to be under the slave system. He came to set us free from all that garbage. And yes, it is filthy garbage. It is dung, as the Apostle Paul said. Throw it away. Don’t support your slave masters. Get rid of listening to those that would place you back under the yoke of slavery. For it is freedom that Jesus has set us free. Rest in Him today, and He will give you rest for your soul. He will never leave you no matter what. Come to Jesus for Rest today.

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


~ ” Folks, when people realize and to get into all this religious stuff that I’m and … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/31/2024

We Have Peace With God in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P61 (01-31-24)

Jesus is Our Anchor For Our Soul For Those in Christ Jesus

~ God gives us grace in our time of need. And in just the right measure and just the right time he gives us more grace. God knows exactly what we need. Once a person is in Christ Jesus, then He is alive living in you, giving you rest for your soul. For all of us are going to experience a time when things are going to feel overwhelming, yet he will extend grace and give you the peace that passes all understanding. And in these last days, God is going to complete the work he began in us. For all of us are going to have last days sooner or later. And one day we are going to be absent from the body and present with the Lord. We will receive our new bodies, not like these bodies that we live in now, not the old creaking, sore bodies, but a new body that he has especially reserved for each one of us. Let us press on then to the calling that God has set before us. Let the … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/18/2024

The Peace of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P899 (01-18-24)

The Life of Jesus is Our Comfort and Peace

~ Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit, the one that would teach us all things and our advocate, and the very Life of Jesus. And that happened on the day of Pentecost, and on the very day that we placed faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit came to indwell us too. He is our Comforter. He is our Advocate. He is our Peace that lives inside of us. He is our Eternal Life. We tend to forget that God is living in His temple today (the body of every believer is the temple of God). He is always there to comfort us no matter what we are going through. He will be right there with us through the storms of life. So stand firm on Jesus, who is our everything. Point people to Jesus, not to a particular verse of the bible. Many times people will camp out in the Old Covenant, and will forget which side of the cross they are actually living on today.

~ “All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

New Years P5 Radio Broadcast Friday 01/05/2024

Jesus Sets You Apart as The Temple of God

Classic Christianity – New Years P5 (01-05-24)

Are You Worshipping God or Are You Worshipping Man?

~ The wise men, the Magi, bowed down and worshipped Jesus. The Magi knew who Jesus was. They knew the scriptures. They knew, the little boy Jesus that they were in front of was God in flesh, for they bowed down in total submission and worshipped him. And the Magi further exercised more faith when being warned in a dream NOT to go back to Herod, they instead went to their homeland through another route.

Today, our worship is when we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, because Jesus lives in the temple of God, the body of the child of God, and to offer our bodies is our true and proper worship.

But many today are not offering their bodies as a living sacrifice. And many times, the reason is they themselves are not saved, and do not have the Holy Spirit living in them. They have believed in the teaching of man rather than the teaching of God. They don’t believe their sins were forgiven at the cross. They instead believe in a different Jesus. Most … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/12/2023

Spirit of Peace

Classic Christianity – The Book of John P69 (07-12-23)

Rejoice in the Lord Always, And Again I say Rejoice!

~ Today, when you hear the voice of Holy Spirit, He reminds us, teaches us, instructs us on the things of God, about the truth of the world and about ALL things. And once we have a proper understanding of our identity in Christ Jesus and the Finality of the cross, we can’t help but to rejoice in the Lord always! However, there are many many people today that do not rejoice in the Lord always, for they have forgotten that they have been cleansed of all of their sins, and are listening to the teaching of men and Satan rather than the teaching of God through the Holy Spirit, if indeed the Holy Spirit is living in them. Most people will NOT tell anyone that ALL their sins have been forgiven by God, because quite frankly they don’t believe it themselves. The majority of the teachers today are used as controlled opposition for Satan. They will not rock the boat and do NOT speak truth. They won’t tell a person they are lost, and dead in their unbelief, because they … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message