Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/30/2021

In Christ Jesus We are Saints

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P675 (09-30-21)

Growing in Grace: Overcoming Habits, Replacing False Dependencies, Love Conquers Fear, Renewing the Mind, Walking in Truth, and Realizing We Are Not Under the Law but Under Grace

When we are born again, we have the Holy Spirit living in us, but we also have sin-indwelling flesh. So there is this battle between the flesh and the spirit (Galatians 5:16-18). But as we learn to walk in the Spirit, we do not carry out the deeds of the flesh. We have in us everything we need for life and godliness so we can participate in the divine nature (2 Peter 1:3-4). One hindrance we have in spiritual growth is the error and lies we have believed. Error is replaced with truth as we meditate on God’s word, relying on the Lord to renew our minds (Romans 12:1-2). His word is truth (John 17:17), and Jesus, who is the living Word (John 1:1,14), tells us that the truth shall set you free (John 8:32).

We have heard pastors from the pulpit say things indicating that do not know who they are in Christ. They say from the pulpit, “I am just a … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 08/24/2021

God Jesus So Loved the World

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P8 (08-24-21)

Love is What Motivated God’s Provision of New Life for You and Me

Jesus Christ is the life we need. We are to rest in Christ’ finished work for us. Forgiveness of sins is over. All punishment was placed on Jesus, with none left for you. That provision for sin allows us to freely approach God, for there is now no fear of punishment. We can come to Him to receive what He really came to give us, eternal life, the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead to be placed in you forever. So let that perfect love cast out fear so you can love one another with the same love God has given you. God’s love preceded His provision for forgiveness for sin.

Many of us have grown up in church and heard the song sung, Amazing Grace. Have you pondered over how the grace of God surely is amazing? When church leadership incorrectly teaches people to ask God to forgive you when you sin or to keep short accounts with God, what is amazing about begging God to forgive you? … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/07/2021

Jesus Wants to Renew Your Mind

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P632 (05-07-21)


People in all backgrounds are looking for purpose and meaning in life, whether you were brought up in a religious background or were in the habit of rejecting God, calling yourself an atheist. But there comes a time where you realize that this yearning in your heart for acceptance and love is not working. In that process, you hear a message about Christ or you pick up a bible and start reading. There you learn that Christ is the answer all along.

As you are getting your mind renewed, you may be confused for a while, because, if you came from a religious background, you are beginning to wonder about what you had been taught. Things just do not make sense. A pastor commits adultery. That in itself is alarming to you, when he is supposed to be a believer, and believers are not supposed to do that,and certainly not a pastor, whom you are relying on. Another pastor is preaching about tithing. And you are not even sure if that is what you are supposed to be doing or not. The church you grew up in never mentioned tithing. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/12/2021

Anger is Fear in Disguise

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P616 (03-12-21)


So many people wish their dad would at least compliment them for once. It is so common for people to say, “I never once heard my dad ever compliment me.” It is in the heart of a son to want the approval and acceptance of their father. Sadly that does not happen, and as believers in Christ, you have to acknowledge the fact that may never happen, but instead realize the perfect love and acceptance of God, and that is sufficient for you. Perfect love casts out fear, and the person who fears is not made perfect in love. So we think of God’s love, agape love for mankind, and for us personally, we hear His words, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” So we learn to develop a heart of pity for those who have hurt us so deeply.

In any kind of rejection, you have to turn that over to God and allow Him to comfort you with His love. His perfect love is sufficient for you and realize that if God is for you, who can be against you. You have to become … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/23/2021

Jesus is Light - Place Faith in Him

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P8 (02-23-21)


The word of God points to Jesus Christ. Inasmuch as Jesus is alive, His word is alive. You cannot separate those because when God says something, it is a total reflection of His being, unlike us. So God is living and God is active. He is alive and so God’s word is living and is active.

The word of God had to be confirmed and it was, but all scripture points to Jesus, in what He came to do for us through His death, burial and resurrection for us, so we may live a new life. All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, correction, rebuke and training in righteousness. The word of God that we hold in our hands will teach us. Teach us what? Truth. That will do what? Set us free. It is teaching for rebuking what is taught. We have gone off the road, and it tells us we are off the road. It is useful for correcting. What is that? Getting you back on the road. Training for righteousness. What is that? Keeping you on the road. So the word … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/11/2021

Faith Says Thank You For Forgiveness

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P607 (02-11-21)


We can be a believer and fall into all kinds of destructive lifestyle choices and become trapped in a sin. Why is that? It is because the renewing of the mind has not occurred or we stopped trusting God. For example, if you think you are still a sinner, then what would you naturally do? Sin. You do what you think you are. But God has called you out of darkness and into the kingdom of Light. You are never in darkness again. Or, you listened to the voice of the world, relied on your own understanding, followed your feelings rather than what you know to be true. There are all kinds of ways we fall short. How often do we worry? And worry is a sin. We are all working out our salvation in fear and trembling. We are saved but God is at work in us, renewing our mind, so we can walk in the new way of the Spirit.

The key to this overcoming of sinful habits and behaviors is to know that you are a child of God, a new creation, a new identity in Christ … Listen to Broadcast & Read More