Radio Broadcast Monday 07/19/2021

Jesus Has Forgiven You Completely

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P24 (07-19-21)

Quit Sinning Against the Knowledge of Truth!

As Bob has said numerous times, all of us have been taught error from various denominational persuasions of men. The scripture that continually comes up in certain circles of Christendom is in Hebrews 10:26-31. People often think that to mean that if I do those dirty dozen or those nasty nine sins, deliberately, then I am going to hell. Many get fearful of this passage because they do not have proper understanding, because they do not understand what Jesus accomplished at the cross. People should be fearful, if they are sinning against the knowledge of the truth and after receiving the knowledge of the truth. The truth is people do not understand or realize he is talking about the sin of unbelief. He is talking about sinning against the knowledge of truth.

Now, if someone understands the truth, but deliberately and stubbornly says, “I do not care” and I am going back to the day of atonement or to my confessional booth to a priest to get my sins forgiven or as a Protestant quoting 1 John 1:9 to keep short … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/15/2021

Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest for Today

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P651 (07-15-21)


Have you ever had someone tell you that you need to eat certain foods or worship on a certain day of the week? What do you say in response? Does not scripture say to not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink or in regard to a religious holiday or even a Sabbath? Yes. As you read scripture, you will be able to understand that you live under grace today. That Jesus set aside the Old Covenant to establish a New Covenant so that we can rest from our works just as He did from His.

What does that mean? If you are still trying to keep the law, then you are not resting from your works. He has put the law aside so that we can walk in the newness of life. There is no rest under the law. You are constantly being demanded to do what you cannot accomplish in the energy of your own flesh. So the Sabbath is a place of rest. It is not a day of the week. Would you hate to think that the only day of the week you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/25/2021

Jesus Brought in The New Covenant

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P619 (03-25-21)


All of us have a past, and we did things we are not proud of, some more than others, as far as the types of sins we did, that are particularly sensitive. Take the example of the apostle Paul, for example. He formerly persecuted Christians prior to his conversion, dragging mothers and fathers apart, putting them in prison, being quite a violent man. You also have men like Nikki Cruz of the true story documented, in The Cross and the Switchblade, with such a horrible past in gang-related crimes as a New York city gang leader, yet he responded to the gospel message and became a changed man. In both cases, they both now share their testimony, not in great detail, but enough for people to know he is not who he used to be. That could be true if you were a former lesbian or a child molester with prison time. That is what you used to be or do, but God got a hold of your heart and you are changed.

In regard to Saul of Tarsus, now identified as the apostle Paul, the people just said … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/26/2021

We Were Reconciled to God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P612 (02-26-21)


Many callers, as they are growing in Christ, as we all are, have questions. If you have been in Christ for some time now, there are certain questions that are commonly asked, which if you do not understand the context or the difference between law and grace or the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, some passages might be confusing to you.

This is certainly true of those who grew up under some kind of religious teaching where foundational truths were not taught. Oftentimes people are taught to memorize certain passages of scripture as a child, such as through an AWANA program or some other church program for youth. The problem with scripture memory is if the passages before and after a memory verse are not read, or not understood in its context, false teaching occurs. So, in many cases, a renewing of the mind has to occur so people can grab a hold of truth.

One of the questions asked in relation to the Lord’s prayer is this. Will God forgive us if we do not forgive someone who sins against us? People also often recite … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/02/2020

Salvation is Life in Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P13 (11-02-20)


If you have not already, get a copy of A Closer Look at Jesus Christ. We have studied the person of Jesus Christ, Who Did Jesus Christ Claim to Be?, A Madman or God in the Flesh. We read from the scriptures what Jesus claimed about Himself, that He is God. Then the question was asked, Who Do You Say that I Am?. If you have concluded that Jesus is God, and came to offer you eternal life, then an explanation was given of what it means to be Receiving the Offer of Life. Now we are studying What Others Claimed About Jesus Christ. So today we read what John the apostle said concerning Jesus Christ.

In summary, God sent Jesus into this world to save that which is lost. When someone is lost, it is good to know someone is looking for him. The person who is lost is mankind, each and every person born into this world. All of us were born into this world spiritually dead, and in need of new life, God’s life. What is lost is our … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/29/2020

The Wicked Lost Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P540 (05-29-20)


In this day and age of the Coronavirus, and various events going on in the political realm, people have asked even today, what needs to be done to stop these evil or deceived people who are pushing for this one world government? What should pastors do? Even in Bob’s lifetime, people called in asking the same question. First of, if you are a pastor, or any born again believer for that matter, do not get side-tracked from your primary purpose, and that is to proclaim the gospel. All of these events we continue to see happening are certainly signs of the end times and preparation for what we know is prophesied in Revelation. The greatest avenue we have, each citizen of the United States, is to exercise our voting rights. If you are in Christ, then you need to ask for wisdom from God, so your vote is in accordance with understanding and discernment, for Jesus even told us to not let anyone deceive you. And, we are certainly instructed to pray for all those in authority over us that we may live peaceable and quiet lives.

But to put … Listen to Broadcast & Read More